Monday 8 May 2017

A balanced diet is itself a medicine to control diabetes

Over the time our lifestyles have changed a lot. The way we work the way we eat the way we sleep has completely changed​. This flexibility though have benefitted our social life but has created more health hazards than before. Most of the people are suffering from hypertension, migraine, asthma and diabetes. Diabetes may not be flagged as the most dangerous disease for the mankind but it is indeed the most hazardous and often ends with the life of the person. Diabetes is basically a disease in which there are high sugar levels in the blood and which hampers the metabolism of the body. Diabetes is also an invitation to various diseases such as heart disease kidney failure ulcers and vision problems as well. General diabetes can only be controlled but cannot be cured completely. Therefore, once a person becomes diabetic he has to take a lot of care regarding his daily routine as well as his eating habits. Diet please a very crucial role in controlling diabetes. A person has to undergo a strict diet routine and sacrifice mouth watering stuffs like pizza, coffee and foods that contain high​ sugar. However, you can have a mouth watering meal made of healthy vegetables fibers and artificial sugars.

First of all the question arises how diabetes is caused? Diabetes generally happen due to two factors firstly the cells within the body do not respond properly and secondly pancreas stop producing enough insulin. There are three types of diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes happens due to less insulin produced by the pancreas. The cause is not clearly known. Type 2 diabetes happens when the cells do not respond properly to the insulin and which results and lack of insulin development. One major cause of this type diabetes is obesity. Type 3 diabetes happens basically in the pregnancy where an government develops and sugar levels. This type of diabetes is also known as gestational diabetes.

One requires maintaining a healthy diet as well as regular exercise routine in order to control the sugar levels. However one major concern is that you need to have a proper balance of diet and exercise as excess of them can lead to low sugar levels in the body and which in turn can be very dangerous to health. Green leafy vegetables play a very important role in minimizing the sugar levels in the body. Moreover low carbohydrate diets are also essential in diabetes. This contains fibers like peas, cereals and dried fruits such as apricots and raisins. High fiber diet also lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Above all timing of the meal is highly important because food itself becomes medicine. It is advisable to seek a physician to supervise and suggest your diet chart. Moreover there are electronic devices available in the market that can help you check your diabetes level daily and plan your routine accordingly.

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